Helping First Time Mum’s

Reclaim Their Sleep

I've been supporting at-the-end-of-their-wits new Mum's get baby into their sleep groove, so the whole family can enjoy those magic moments that make up baby's first year.

Being a first time Mum should be a beautiful, cherished experience but obsessive late night Googling "baby sleep habits and schedule" and praying for "please, please sleep" can certainly take the shine off it. 

I love helping first time Mum’s because I love seeing how sleep makes a happy family who can enjoy time together and as importantly... being able to have an evening with your partner to eat a hot meal with 2 hands! 

There is a myth that New Mum's have to put up with bad sleep and zombie like state that comes with it - it doesn't have to be this way. 

Having experienced with my own baby's sleep, from the 2 hourly night wakes and 33 minute naps and not a single minute longer, I discovered how I could help him to independently settle, and I realised I had to share how, far and wide. 

It breaks my heart to know that NCT groups, Prenatal appointments and Health Visitor checks do not prepare you for what’s to come with sleep and how sometimes this can really impact your mental health.  ​

You deserve to feel more energised, at ease and have time with your partner and for yourSELF.

You may be thinking I’m scared I can’t do this…

Yes you CAN nail this whole sleep thing and turn your waking nightmare into a sleeping dream, and I will show you how. 

Thinking you want to make a change?

There is no need to feel guilty for wanting to make a change, no one knows your situation, and your baby better than you

I can’t wait to meet and support you through your sleep journey. 

Beth x​

What my family's are saying

We have just completed a two week programme with Beth and the change in our daughter's sleeping habits has been remarkable. We have gone from spending hours using props such as calming sleep videos to being able to lie her down in her cot and leave the room confident in the knowledge that she will self-settle. The increase in the number of hours of sleep has also led to a noticeable improvement in our daughter's mood. We owe this to Beth who is extremely knowledgeable, personable and generous with her time; she is highly recommended.

— Oisin, and 15 month old S


Baby Sleep the Night Certified Consultant

Yes you CAN nail this whole sleep thing and turn your waking nightmare into a sleeping dream, and I will show you how. 

Chat with me

Got a question about working with me?

Book in a 15 minute Discovery call or email me at